About Project

The Tone Knows

The Tone Knows

TONE Technologies, in their simplest form, are Audio Activated QR Code or audio beacons. Our patented technology utilizes inaudible sound fragments called TONE-Tags® to deliver ads, coupons, special offers, or other content to any smartphone or webpage within range, enabling brands to activate and monetize audiences ANYTIME and ANYWHERE, all without the expensive hardware of traditional audio tech.

In my time as a Software Architect Consultor in Rithm, my job was to developt and improve the performance of the Tone Technology Frameworks and SDK's. Effectively publishing Android and iOS frameworks with Pipelines and CI/CD.

  • Designed, Developed and Distributed a Closed Source Android and Swift Framework that leverages device input to automate ad targeting using AI models for sound recognition and graph mapping. 

  • Implemented a custom version of the Goertzel Algorithm on Swift for the first time that is able to run every 30 ms using an average 1.2% of the CPU on iPhone 7+ using a mathematical model designed for embedded systems based on a sound analysis research. 

  • Built CI and CD Pipelines to integrate and distribute the Android Framework. 

• Built automated unit tests for audio processing, remote service and service life cycle. 

  • Improved performance on existing processes by simplifying, leveraging device resources and using modern design patterns applied to the concurrent software paradigm.

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